Tag Archives: Degenerative Joint Disease

Experiencing Ache Knees and Back? You may have Osteoarthritis

Experiencing Ache Knees and Back? You may have Osteoarthritis
Kamau Austin

Are you noticing as you mature you are experiencing stiffness or
pain in your knees, ankles, back, and elbows? If you are 35 and
above symptoms like these may be the early signs of

What is Osteoarthritis?

According to the US government’s National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases “Osteoarthritis is the
most common type of arthritis, especially among older people.
Sometimes it is called degenerative joint disease or

Moreover Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that mostly affects
the cartilage. Cartilage is the slippery tissue that covers the
ends of bones in a joint.

Unlike other forms of arthritis which may affect internal organs
Osteoarthritis primarily causes problems between the cartilage
and joints.

Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another. It
also absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement. In
osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and
wears away.

In other words as we mature you can start to experience
Osteoarthritis because the cartilage between you knees, back,
and other joints may begin to erode or wear away.

This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing
pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. Over time, the
joint may lose its normal shape. Also bone spurs, small growths
called entophytes, may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of
bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint
space. This causes more pain and damage.

According to government studies Osteoarthritis affects about 20
million Americans. Over 50 % of Americans over 65 have
osteoarthritis in a least one joint. It is more common for men
than women to have osteoarthritis before 45. However after 45 it
is more common for women to experience the symptoms of this
condition. By 2030 70 million Americans will be over the age of
65 and may be at risk for osteoarthritis.

While younger people may get osteoarthritis from sports related
knee and joint injuries osteoarthritis is primarily a condition
more mature people experience. If you experience symptoms like
the ones described above talk to you doctor to see if you have
osteoarthritis or some other condition.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis seem to appear in the knee, lower
back, ends of the fingers, back of the neck, thumbs and hips.

Some of the treatments the doctor may prescribe are:

1. – Exercise is inexpensive and may help with a number of
health problems including certain forms of osteoarthritis. As
you may know exercise can help improve your attitude,
disposition, mood and overall outlook, decrease pain, increase
flexibility, improve the heart and blood flow, maintain weight,
and promote general physical fitness.

Reports have shown if done correctly, it has few negative side
effects. The amount and form of exercise will depend on which
joints are involved, how stable the joints are, and whether a
joint replacement has already been done.

The proper exercise may help you recapture some range of
movement in stiff joints.

2. – Weight control: Osteoarthritis patients who are overweight
or obese need to lose weight. Weight loss can reduce stress on
weight-bearing joints and limit further injury. A dietitian can
help patients develop healthy eating habits. A healthy diet and
regular exercise help reduce weight.

3. Medicines: Doctors prescribe medicines to eliminate or reduce
pain and to improve functioning. Doctors consider a number of
factors when choosing medicines for their patients with
osteoarthritis. Two important factors are the intensity of the
pain and the potential side effects of the medicine. Patients
must use medicines carefully and tell their doctors about any
changes that occur.

4 – Surgery : As a last resort a surgery to replace a joint may
be in order from your doctor.

For many people, surgery helps relieve the pain and disability
of osteoarthritis. Surgery may be performed to remove loose
pieces of bone and cartilage from the joint if they are causing
mechanical symptoms of buckling or locking Resurface (smooth
out) bones Reposition bones Replace joints. Surgeons may replace
affected joints with artificial joints called prostheses. These
joints can be made from metal alloys, high-density plastic, and
ceramic material.

Before undertaking expensive surgery or investing in pricey
medicines perhaps you should consider taking a health supplement
called Phosoplex. Phosoplex a product of Optimal Therapeutics,
boasts some of the best ingredients available to help alleviate
pain associated with Osteoarthritis.

I have used Phosoplex when training in fitness activity to help
rid myself of knee and back pain. I would strongly recommend you
investigating this quality product if you seek relief from

About the author:
Kamau Austin is a health and fitness enthusiast and advocate. He
is also the publisher of … www.healthandfitnessvitality.com .
He writes on a regular basis on timeless health and fitness tips
at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful health and fitness
news and tips at…

Causes and Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis

Causes and Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis
James Hunt

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease. It is one
of the oldest and most commonly known types of arthritis. When a
person suffers from OA there is a breakdown of the joint’s
cartilage. Since cartilage itself is there to act as a cushion
between the bones, when this breakdown and wears away the bones
will begin rubbing together and this can cause some serious pain
as well as limitations in movement and in some cases loss of
movement completely.

What Causes Osteoartritis?

There are many factors affecting the onset of osteoarthritis.
Since it is more commonly found in middle to older aged people,
medical professionals had made the mistake of thinking that age
was a contributing factor. However, research has shown that age
is not a leading factor to the onset of Osteoarthritis. However,
doctors and medical professionals have found that being
overweight does have some effect. When a person is overweight or
obese, they are more likely to experience some pain in the knees
and in most cases will develop OA in these areas. People who
have experienced some kind of injury in the joints, either due
to playing sports or through work are more likely to develop OA.

There have been incidences of OA in people who have been born
with some kind of genetic condition that affects the joints in
some way. OA is most commonly found in the hands.

Treatment Options

Exercises to keep joints flexible and improve muscle strength

Many different medications are used to control pain, including
corticosteroids and NSAIDs. Glucocorticoids injected into joints
that are inflamed and not responsive to NSAIDS. For mild pain
without inflammation, acetaminophen may be used.

Heat/cold therapy for temporary pain relief

Joint protection to prevent strain or stress on painful joints

Surgery (sometimes) to relieve chronic pain in damaged joints

About the author:
James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and
researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of
interest. Read more at www.osteoarthritis-

Arthritis Management Through Diet

Arthritis Management Through Diet
Kathryn Whittaker

The term arthritis refers to the chronic inflammation of joints throughout the body. Arthritis is one of the most rapidly growing chronic conditions in North America. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is also known as wear and tear arthritis and degenerative joint disease. This form of arthritis classically affects the knee joint, the hips and other weight bearing joints. Other forms include rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis.

New treatments for arthritis are constantly researched. The most common arthritis medications are non-steroid or steroid anti-inflammatory drugs which, although effective, have serious side-effects. They can have unpleasant side effects: cause weight gain, acne, osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, cataracts and infections. The side effects of steroids impact on almost every system of the body, and the more steroids you take, the more side effects you are likely to experience.

The newest findings link arthritis not only to poor diet and obesity, but also to the overall state of the immune system. Quite recently, researchers have found a protein in the immune system that malfunctioned in patients who have arthritis or other inflammatory diseases. Doctors believe they can block this protein to reduce the need for steroids.

As the general population ages, the number of people with arthritis is growing. Today arthritis medications are aimed at baby-boomers who have spent more years living with obesity than the previous generation. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have found that there are more cases of obesity-related arthritis among baby boomers compared to the previous generation.

What we eat often plays a large role in setting the stage for the start of arthritis. There are a few changes anyone can make to their diet to successfully offset arthritis even without using arthritis medications.

The typical North American diet contains an overwhelming amount of cooked, processed and other acid forming foods. A healthy diet should be 70lkaline and 30cidic. Unfortunately, the average North American diet has reversed this ratio.

Instead of eating cooked foods that are acid forming, a diet of mostly raw, fresh vegetables, fruits and reducing the consumption of meats are an excellent way to help reduce inflammation throughout the body.

To ease your arthritis symptoms without succumbing to arthritis medications, avoid foods that form acid in your body. These foods include bread, coffee, corn, honey, oatmeal, peanuts, rice, soy, pasta and wheat. When treating arthritis, stay away from saturated fats, such as butter, cream, and margarine.

Antioxidants in brightly colored fruits and vegetables offer substantial protection against arthritis. By eating more yellow and orange fruits and vegetables you will consume antioxidants called carotenoids, which can lower your chances of developing inflammatory arthritis. Some dietitians suggest that night-shade vegetables are unsuitable for arthritis patients, which means you should think twice about eating peppers, (red, green and yellow), potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants.

Build your arthritis diet around such alkaline-forming products as most berries, bananas, dates, figs, prunes, raisins, almonds, asparagus, avocado, fresh beans, beets, carrots, grapes, plums, spinach, apricots, broccoli, all kind of cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, cherries, chestnuts, chicory, coconut milk, fresh sweet corn and cucumbers. Focusing on vegetables instead of proteins will ease many other symptoms and help you reduce weight too.

Proper hydration is a must. Drink half your weight in ounces that would be 75 oz of water for a person weighing 150 pounds. If you must drink alcohol, coffee or soda, drink an extra 16 oz of water for every alcoholic drink and cup of coffee or soda you consume in addition to the water you would normally drink.

Arthritis is a condition that takes years to develop. In many cases, arthritis can be avoided or effectively managed through the use of alternative methods that include proper nutrition, hydration and specific nutritional supplements that can reduce the damage done to aging joints.

About the author:

Kathryn writes articles on a number of different topics. For more information on Arthritis please visit http://www.arthritis-resource.comand for additional articles on Arthritis http://www.arthritis-resource.com/arthritis-articles/

Arthritis Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects

Arthritis Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects
John Robben

Arthritis: Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects

Did you know that Arthritis is one of the most disabling
diseases? It’s true! Arthritis currently affects more than 40
million Americans and that figure is expected to rise to 60
million by the year 2,020. It is imperative that you read this
article and find out what this devastating disease is truly

Arthritis: What it Is

Basically, Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. There are
currently over 100 forms of Arthritis and remarkably, that
number continues to rise. The most common forms of Arthritis
include: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout (see our
next article, “Symptoms of Arthritis” for more information).
Osteoarthritis is the result of degenerative joint disease, or
simply “wear and tear” on the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is
the result of an over active Immune System that results in
inflammation. Gout is the oldest form of Arthritis and is the
result of too much Uric Acid. The Uric Acid deposits crystals in
the joints, leading to “Gouty Arthritis”. The joint pain,
inherent to all Arthritis sufferers, is referred to as
“Arthralgia”. Not only are the joints susceptible to attack, but
the surrounding muscles, tissues, and organs are vulnerable to
the effects of Arthritis as well. In fact, Arthritis has been
known to attack the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver.

Many people mistakenly believe that Arthritis is a disease that
only affects the elderly. This simply isn’t the case. Yes it’s
true that seniors, especially senior women, are effected the
greatest by Osteoarthritis, yet the average age for onset of
Arthritis is 47 years old, and sufferers are generally afflicted
between the ages of 20-50. Sadly, even infants have been
diagnosed with forms of Arthritis.

One of the most devastating effects of Arthritis has to be that
it is a chronic condition. Arthritis is so weakening that it
only grows worse with time. In fact, Arthritis is so detrimental
that of the diseases that instill chronic physical disabilities,
Arthritis is second only to Heart Disease.

The cost of Arthritis is not only measured in the loss of
quality of life, but it is also measured by dollars and cents as
well. It is estimated that over $150,000 is lost by an
individual over the course of a lifetime due to the debilitating
effects of Arthritis. This is totaled by lost wages, medical
treatments, and the cost of medically based needs and care.

The overall conclusion is that Arthritis is a seriously
unbearable condition that causes chronic pain and weakness. It
does not only affect seniors, but forms of Arthritis also
plagues children. There are over 100 forms of Arthritis and all
Arthritis sufferers share one thing in common, chronic joint
pain. The top three common forms of Arthritis include
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout. We have seen
that Arthritis isn’t cured, but managed. Some steps
and treatment plans used by Arthritis sufferers include:

Losing Weight (thereby reducing stress and strain on the
Increasing their Nutritional
Reducing Stress (both physical and
Participating in Gentle Stress Free
Exercises such as Stretching
Using both Hot and
Cold Therapies
Protecting Joints by use of
Splints and Braces
Drug Therapies

If you suffer from Arthritis, don’t give up. There are many
people who are discovering that with the proper management and
health care provisions, they can live better, healthier, and
pain free lives.

Stay tuned for the next article in our series on Arthritis,
Symptoms of Arthritis”.

About the author:
Written by John
Robben of Ultimate Water Massage, Inc.

Providing Massage Services and Pain Relief products. Visit our
Arthritis Information