Tag Archives: antibiotics

Acne in Adolescents

Acne is one of the most common problems in adolescent teens affecting nearly seventeen million people in the United States. Acne is nothing but a disorder involving sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Acne results from the clogging of sebaceous glands leading to the formation of pimples and cysts. The condition usually begins with the onset of puberty. Going by the facts, as teens attain puberty the androgens also called male sex hormones are produced in high number leading to sebaceous glands becoming over active which results in sebum being produced in high proportions.

Sebum, which is nothing but oil is produced by sebaceous glands which travel to the skin surface through hair follicles. But, skin cells block the follicles which results in oil also being blocked. When these hair follicles are blocked it results in the development of skin bacteria known as Propionibacterium Acnes within the follicles which in turn results in swelling of the skin called Acne. If the hair follicles are partially blocked it results in blackheads. If the follicles are completely blocked they result in whiteheads. But if these plugged follicles are not treated they ultimately burst causing the oil, bacteria and skin cells to spill all over the skin resulting in irritation and formation of pimples. Acne can be shallow as well as deep in various individuals depending on the nature of skin and amount of oil produced.

There can be various causes why Acne forms. Apart from rising hormone levels due to puberty it can also be attributed to certain other factors like intake of drugs which contain lithium, barbiturates and corticosteroids. Acne can also be caused due to excess grease and oil in the scalp, due to cooking oil and use of some cosmetics can actually alleviate the acne problem. Acne problem many times is inherited also. Acne problem is worsened if the pimples are squeezed or scrubbed too hard.

Acne can form at any place of the body but they most commonly form in the areas where there sebaceous glands are present in high proportions like face, chest, shoulders, neck and upper back. The symptoms may differ from person to person but commonly seen symptoms are: formation of blackheads, whiteheads, lesions filled with pus and which are very painful and lastly nodules. One may get confused sometimes as symptoms of acne may be like some other skin condition and it is always advised to consult a doctor in this scenario.

There are lots of treatments available today to treat acne. The primary goal of the treatment is to reduce scars and better appearance. There are various treatments and the doctor decides which specific treatment you need based on: the extent of acne problem, age, medical history, overall health, tolerance to specific medications and procedures, expectations and last but not the least what patients prefer.

Treatment of acne is classified into topical and systemic drug therapies which are given based on extent of severity. In some instances the combination of both the methods might be the way to go for acne treatment. Topical medication is nothing but creams, gels, lotions, solutions etc. prescribed to patients for acne treatment. Some of the examples of topical medication are: Benzoyl Peroxide which kills the Propionibacterium Acnes bacteria, antibiotics helps in stopping or slowing down the growth of the bacteria and also reduces inflammation, Tretinoin helps in stopping the formation of new acne lesions and Adapalene reduces formation of comedo.

Systemic drug therapies involve prescription of systemic antibiotics primarily for the treatment of acne problem which is moderate to severe in nature. The examples of antibiotics prescribed are Doxycycline, erythromycin and tetracycline. In some cases an oral drug called Isotretinoin is prescribed for teenagers with severe acne problem which shrinks down the sebaceous glands that produce oil. The results are pretty good and almost ninety percent of the adolescents have success with this oral drug. But the drug has some serious side-affects and thus it is very important that one consults a doctor before use.


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Sore Throat Set off by Acid Reflux

Acid reflux refers to the condition in which the partially digested food containing digestive juices travels back into the esophagus from the mouth.

To describe the mechanical layout of this disease, our digestive system has a circular band of muscle called lower esophageal sphincter. This muscle splits the stomach from the esophagus. When the food enters the stomach, this muscle closes so as to prevent the partially digested materials from traveling back into the esophagus. But when the lower esophageal sphincter is rendered incompetent, the stomach contents are allowed to regurgitate or spit up.

The stomach contents that moves back to the esophagus contains digestive acids since they have undergone digestion in the stomach where digestive liquids are released to facilitate the digestion. Because of the acidic nature of the refluxed materials, inflammation develops in the lining of the throat; thus a sore throat is one of the most common symptoms of this condition.

Sore throat is usually associated with other symptoms, though sometimes it is uncommon, such as the occurrence of pus on the tonsil surface and drooling or frequent spitting. Moreover, a patient with sore throat may also experience difficulty in breathing caused by the narrowing of the air passage through the larynx or pharynx.

The pain or other difficulties caused by sore throat can be abated, if not treated, with simple self-treatments that can be done at home. Gargling is a recommended practice. You may try gargling with warm water mixed with table salt. Drinking a lot of water is also very important. Get extra sleep, for this encourages faster recovery. Popsicles or cold drinks are good for sore throats. Humidifiers or vaporizers can be used to sooth the pain in the throat. And also, sucking on solid candies, which help promote saliva production, works as an alternative remedy. It is known that saliva contains bicarbonates that help neutralize the acids that might have remained in the throat due to the reflux.

But if home-treatments are not enough to ease your condition with the sore throat, medical treatments are available. The intake of medicine is particularly advised for those who experience associated symptoms like difficulty in breathing, dehydration or body water loss, and severe pains. Take antibiotics if you feel that viral or bacterial infections have further developed in the throat. Also, rheumatic fever can be prevented from arising, though this condition is very much uncommon. Corticosteroids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, can help in case of critical sore throat conditions.

Preventive measures and remedies, of course, are available to minimize the incidence of acid reflux, and sore throat, as well. One practical and immediate treatment is the application of gravity; that is, the person is kept in upright position at most times so to hold the digested materials down. Gravity can help prevent regurgitation, or the traveling of the stomach contents back up to the esophagus.

Eating habits should also be changed to facilitate in the treatment of acid reflux. Usual cases of acid reflux usually take place after a meal. It is recommended that evening meals should be taken earlier and in smaller quantities. This is so that the stomach can get emptied in a shorter period of time as compared to when heavy meals are eaten. Moreover, patients with acid reflux have less chances of regurgitating when they lie down.

Medications are also available. Some drugs act to neutralize the acids in the stomach and some work by blocking the production of acids by controlling the actions of histamine.

Appraising the Real Cost of Teeth Whitening

Whether you want to have a smile makeover for your prom night, or are just self-conscious since smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee have given you stained and yellow teeth, whitening remedies will surely brighten that smile and, hence, you can gain additional boost to your confidence. Learn some basic information about the nature of teeth whitening, categories of whitening methods and techniques, as well as teeth whitening costs of each method by reading the following selections.
What does tooth whitening mean?

Tooth whitening lies under the field of cosmetic dentistry. The process itself eliminates stains and other discolorations on the teeth due to tea, coffee, smoking, and other lifestyle-related activities. Additionally, whitening can also lighten other usual teeth pigmentations.

The extent of improvement of teeth appearance and success of the treatment depend on the nature and the severity of the stains and/or teeth discoloration. Typically stains due to tea, coffee, or smoking will brighten between four and five shades. Moreover, discolorations that are due to antibiotics and hereditary factors, that is natural pigmentation can lighten between two and three shades after whitening treatments.

Teeth whitening remedies can be categorized into two:

1.Professional whitening systems

This is usually performed by dentists using whitening gels and lasers to activate the solution. This is normally done inside a dental clinic.

2.Home-based teeth whitening remedy

This could either be done in-between appointments of professional treatments using whitening kits and tray-based whitening technique or are just home-made remedies from kitchen and medicine items. These applications are usually done at home and according to the frequency suggested by dentists and/or by a products instructions.

Regardless, teeth will noticeably be brighter after these teeth whitening methods. However, while there are a variety of over-the-counter whitening products and do-it-yourself or home-made whitening solutions, consulting a dentist and even a physician is the only way to validate the thousand and one claims of these remedies.

Aside from the available time and temperament of the patient, cost of teeth whitening treatments is also considered. Apparently, the cost of teeth whitening depends upon the type of teeth whitening method to be employed.

Costs of in-office dental whitening method usually lie between $ 500 and $ 2000. On the other hand, home-based bleaching trays that are customized by dentists may cost between $ 100 and $ 300. Using home-made solutions are often inexpensive. Paint whiteners such as Crest Night Effect and Colgate Simply White Night may cost for as low as $ 50 depending on the country to where these products are marketed.

Now ponder on these questions carefully, first, To whiten or not to whiten? then, What are the common advantages and disadvantages of employing a whitening method?

Nevertheless, any method applied on the surface of the teeth will surely result into brighter teeth, and hopefully a brighter smile. The length of time before the wanted results are achieved varies. Professional techniques are relatively immediate as compared to home-made remedies and over-the-counter whitening paints and kits.

However, peroxide-based gels used in the abovementioned methods of teeth whitening causes the teeth to become temporarily sensitive to cold and hot food, drinks, and even through exposure to air. Trays for whitening that are customized by dentists cause oversensitivity of the gums. Additionally, some of the whitening kits that are bought even without prescription may tear down and make the enamel of teeth thinner and thinner. This will expose the dentin, which may, in turn, be severely colored. These things, obviously, will add up to the cost of having that smile makeover.

Now come to think of it. Read again before you say, Ahhhhh!

Do Animals Get Warts?

Not only are various animals capable of getting warts, the often do. In some types of animals, warts can be deadly. One of the main examples of how warts can affect a non-human species is that of the turtle. In recent years, studies have been conducted to research the causes and effects of warts on certain types of turtles.

The findings are startling. A virus called fibropapillomatosis is the contributing factor. Unlike the warts found in humans, which are generally located in the epidermis, the warts which affect these turtles spread throughout their bodies. The warts are then capable of obstructing the turtle’s internal organs. This then can cause the turtle to die, either from starvation from being unable to see or swim properly, or from other bacterial infections. There has been a steady decrease in the population of sea turtles; the warts which affect their bodies is the primary reason for this.

In dogs, the virus which causes warts is the canine viral papillomas. Unless a dog’s warts become infected, the general rule is to leave the warts undisturbed, as they usually disappear with time. A dog’s warts are rarely a problem unless they are located about the mouth or other area which is sensitive and prone to bacteria and moisture. In some instances, a dog will require antibiotics. In dogs, warts usually appear in clusters, rather than as individual warts.

Dogs acquire warts in the manner similar to how humans get warts they contract them from other dogs who already have them. Canine warts can only be be spread amongst dogs. They pose no risk to other types of animals, nor can people contract warts from their dogs.

Warts are less common in cats, but they do sometimes occur. Older cats are the most prone to contracting warts. Removal is not generally indicated unless the wart becomes infected. There is more danger in the wart becoming infected through the cat’s scratching or other activity than by the wart’s state itself. These warts also are not transmittable to humans.

Cows can contract warts. In cattle, the term for warts is infectious papillomatosis, which refers to the papillomatomavirus which causes them. In cows, warts are not usually serious and eventually disappear, but they are highly contagious. When cows have warts, isolating them from other cattle is important. It has not yet been determined whether either this virus being present in a cow or the antibiotics given to clear it up have an effect on the safety of its milk.

Warts are the easiest way of determining whether a specific amphibian is a frog or a toad. Although there is quite a large variety of these creatures, by first appearance they have much in common. This amphibian has legs, but no tail; but the way to know for certain which type it is is whether or not it has warts. All types of toads have warts; no type of frog has them. Contrary to folk stories, the “warts” which are on toads are not related to the virus which causes warts in humans.