Tag Archives: laser treatments

Necessary Care after Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal, although a simple process, does require proper care of the skin in the area that was treated. Generally there is little recovery time needed regarding laser hair removal procedures. People can usually return to normal activities immediately after treatment. However, it is important to take the time to follow the recommended guidelines for aftercare in order to protect against any chance of a complication and to reduce any discomfort that may be experienced.

Following laser hair removal treatment, it is not uncommon for the skin to be slightly swollen and red in the treated area. Some people describe it as feeling like a mild sunburn, with slight puffiness and irritation. Placing a cooling preparation such as a cold compress, cold pack, or aloe vera, on the affected area will ease the temporary mild burning sensation. Some people experience this burning sensation for only a few hours, while others may feel it for a day or two. This is the time it takes for the skin to return completely to its normal state.

It is important to apply a total sunblock to the area that was treated with laser hair removal if it is going to be exposed to sunlight. A sunblock with an SFP of 30 or higher should be applied. Irritation and a burning sensation of the treated areas can result from even the slightest exposure to the sun. Sunlight should be avoided for three weeks following laser hair removal. This will prevent hyperpigmentation from occurring.

Moisturizing creams can also have a beneficial effect on the treated areas and help to prevent tissue crusting or scabbing. These creams can be bought over the counter or be prescribed by your practitioner. It usually is not necessary to use antibacterial cream. In fact, antibacterial creams might cause drying of the skin in the area that was treated with laser hair removal. Healthy skin is important for successful laser treatments and moisturizing every day will help to keep your skin that way.

As long as the skin is not broken, it is safe to apply makeup to the areas of the skin that have undergone laser hair removal treatments. The makeup used should be new and applied with clean fingers or a new clean sponge. Make of also helps to act as an additional sunblock.

Following a laser hair removal treatment, it is best to take warm, quick showers. It is best to use a gentle cleanser and avoid harsh soaps that may dry the skin. If any area of the body other than the face as has been treated, hot baths should be avoided for a couple of days.
The area of treatment should not be shaved for four or five days. After that time, it is okay to begin shaving again. Tweezing, waxing, plucking, and bleaching should not be done at all during, or in between, laser hair removal treatments.

If any blistering occurs, immediately apply a topical antibiotic cream or ointment and cover it with a non-adhering dressing. Immediately notify the laser technician or your physician.

After a few days, you will usually notice the hair that was treated by laser hair removal begins to shed. This should be expected and is a normal part of the treatment and recovery.

Contraindications of Laser Hair Removal

There are people that should not have laser hair removal because of one or more specific reasons. These reasons are called contraindications, which mean, that it is inadvisable to have the treatment or procedure. The treatment could be dangerous or cause permanent side effects. Other contraindications require special treatment or medication before laser hair removal can be started.

Women that are pregnant should not have laser hair removal. Although there is not significant information regarding laser usage and pregnancy, many physicians and health care providers recommend avoiding laser treatments because of the unknown effects on the on the unborn child.

Anyone that has herpes simplex virus I or II should tell the doctor that is preforming the laser hair removal before treatments have begun. It is necessary to take a prescription antiviral medication for several days both before and after the treatment. If the hair removal is in the area of previous outbreaks, it is possible that the heat from the laser will cause a flare up of the herpes virus. If a herpes outbreak is active, either on the face or genital area, it is important to reschedule the laser hair removal treatment.

An appointment should also be rescheduled if there is any cut, broken, irritated or inflamed skin in the area that is to be treated. Rescheduling is also necessary if there is an active infection anywhere within the body.

Anyone that has the condition of albinism, which is the absence of any color pigment in the hair or skin, should not have laser hair removal. Laser light is drawn to dark pigmentation so it will not work on anyone with this condition. The same holds true for people with very light blonde, red, grey, or white hair.

People that are sunburned or have recently tanned should postpone their treatment until their skin has returned to its normal color which could take several weeks. It is important that skin is its natural color when laser hair removal takes place.

Certain oral and topical medications can cause photosensitivity or photoallergic reactions if used before laser hair removal treatments take place. Accutane should be discontinued three months before treatment begins. Tetracycline and Retin A should be discontinued six weeks before the laser hair removal process.

Anyone that suffers from certain medical conditions, such as lupus, diabetes, or epilepsy, should not have laser hair removal. Any nervous disorders which are present, need to be evaluated before laser treatment begins. If hirsutism is present, the cause should be diagnosed and treated before any laser treatment is started.

If there is a mole in the area to be treated, many people decide to have it removed before treatment. Because of the dark pigmentation of the mole, it may attract to much heat from the laser and cause burning. The same holds true for certain birthmarks and beauty marks.

If there is a history of keloid scarring, it is important to know that there is a higher danger of scarring from the treatments.

The importance of knowing the contraindications of laser hair removal can protect you from a dangerous experience.

Battle Scars

The fight against acne is an arduous battle and like any battle, you may survive but not be left unscathed. Yes, the struggle with acne does not end with the treatment and eradication of the situation because acne often leaves unsightly residual scars that affect levels of self esteem as well as leave a tangible and visual reminder of a painful ordeal.

The good news

Fortunately, with advancements in science and technology, acne scar suffers won’t have to live with this situation any longer. There are a host of solutions available for acne scar removal that actually work. However, it is important to remain realistic in expectation and to learn which procedure will benefit you because there are no one size fits all remedy for acne scar removal. Acne scar removal procedures will depend on one’s age, skin type and severity.

When abrasiveness works

One type of acne scar removal is dermabrasion and this entails the use of an electronic machine that will remove the top layer of the skin to even out the surface and produce, clearer, smoother skin. Although if you think about it, the procedure is much like sanding stone or wood down, this has proven to be quite successful. After the procedure the skin is red and raw but when it heals, smoother, more even skin is yours to have. This however does not work on thin skin, which may not have enough layers to begin with.

Feel the peel

Chemical peels work much like dermabrasion except that instead of a mechanical machine, chemicals are used in contact with the skin to be treated to prompt it to shed off the top, scarred layers to make room for smoother skin. This procedure may not be an option for individuals with overly sensitive skin which may react adversely to the chemicals.

Injectibles and laser treatments

Although primarily used to treat aging skin, collagen injections and laser treatments are also effective in acne scar removal. These techniques are use to transform depressed areas formed by scars to create a smooth and scar free skin surface.

Punching and transferring

Punch grafts and fat transfers are also used to treat deep scars caused by acne. Punch grafts entail punching holes on scars and replacing the skin with an unscarred source elsewhere in the body. Same goes for fat transfer where fat from another source of the body is transferred onto depressed skin surfaces to raise and level off scars.

For more detailed information on procedures, which one is right for you and where you can get them, visit the sites below and begin your journey toward getting rid of battle scars caused by acne.

All about acne

For your complete acne online resource, point your browser to acne-resource.org Its page on acne scar removal is a complete information sheet about getting rid of unsightly scars caused by acne. This site will also help you find out where to get procedures done and more importantly, where you can find qualified professionals to help you find out the best process for your acne scar removal needs.

Laser Acne Scar-Not Only Teenager Issue

Being a teenager isn’t easy, but it is often made even made more difficult by unsightly acne outbreaks. What you may not know is that it’s possible to have acne at just about any age, though adolescence is the most common. A mild case of acne is no big deal and will usually clear up in a few years. However, more extreme cases can last longer and may even lead to permanent scarring if left untreated. You can use many methods to reduce or eliminate scarring, and some people prefer to laser acne scars away for good.

Laser treatment for acne scars should only be performed by a licensed dermatologist who is familiar with using lasers in this way. The laser works by using a highly-concentrated beam of light that removes the outermost layer of the skin near the scar, and this promotes the growth of new skin cells. These new skin cells include collagen, and that’s what will eventually cause your scars to diminish.

At first it may sound like laser treatment for acne scars is a miracle cure, and it can be. The downside is that not everybody responds to the treatment, so there is no guarantee that it will work. However, your dermatologist should have a good idea of whether or not the treatment will be good for you. At the very least, they should know how effective the procedure will be after you have gone through the first session or two.

You will have to visit your doctor’s office to have your acne scars removed with laser treatments. However, it is almost always done on an outpatient basis and it shouldn’t take more than a few hours at most. The doctor will numb the area to be treated, and then they will use a handheld laser device that sends pulses of light on the areas where acne has left scar tissue. The laser actually burns off some of the skin in a controlled way, and when the skin grows back its new layer, the scars are reduced or completely gone.

One of the biggest benefits of laser treatments is that they work on deep, pitted scars which are normally very difficult to treat in any other way. This can be a welcome relief to anybody who has lived with deeper scars and was under the impression that nothing could be done. Lasers can also help for more shallow scars.

Laser treatments for acne scarring can be expensive, but it’s better than living with lots of bad scars. Because it’s usually considered a cosmetic procedure, most insurance companies won’t cover thee expense. On the plus side, many dermatologists understand this, and they may be willing to work out payment arrangements for your treatments.

Whatever you end up doing, it’s important to remember that you can get rid of scars caused by acne. Some people will try medications, but choosing to laser acne scars away is a safe and effective method that more and more people are turning to.