Tag Archives: laser energy

How Lasers Work in Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal works by the process of selective targeting of a specific area of the body and using a specific wavelength to absorb light into that area. It does not work on a hair by hair basis, instead it focuses a wide beam of light that treats many hairs at one time. The wavelength of light absorbed has to be sufficient enough to damage the targeted tissue area while leaving the surrounding area basically untouched. The principle behind this process is called selective photothermolysis.

Lasers are intense beams of monochromatic and coherent light. These light beams are produced by laser devices that contain either minerals or gases. The four main types of lasers are solid state, semiconductor, gas and dye.

An electric current stimulates the gas or mineral properties which excites the atoms. The atoms then emit narrow, cohesive, parallel light beams which are all the same wavelength. The light beams are focused just for a fraction of a second on the dark hair pigment at the matrix of the dermal papilla, which is the small, cone shaped indentation at the base of the hair follicle that the hair bulb fits into. The light beam is absorbed and heats the pigment which vaporizes the dermal papilla. The more intense the light beam the hotter it makes the pigment. This results in the dermal papilla being severely damaged or destroyed.

Most people believe that laser hair removal works best on hair that is in its anagen phase. This means that the hair is actively growing and is attached to the dermal papilla. The theory behind this belief is that if the dark pigment in the hair shaft extends all the way down to the dermal papilla, it will be destroyed and vaporized by the coherent light beam that is focused upon the area. This happens because the light beam will follow the dark pigment all the way down to the derma papilla.

Visible light has wavelengths that range from 390 to 770 nm, or nanometers. Lasers operating in this range allows for successful laser hair removal without causing any damage to the dermal tissue. Lasers with a light source that operates between 700 to 1000 nm targets melanin in the hair shaft effectively. For example, the wavelength of an alexandrite laser is 755 nm, which is red in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, making its target melanin. The stronger, or greater, the wavelength, the deeper it penetrates target selectively absorbing the wavelength.

Laser hair removal uses several varying wavelengths of laser energy. These wavelengths range from near infrared radiation to visible light. The three most commonly used lasers for hair removal are Alexandrite, Pulsed diode array, and NeoDymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnets, Also know as Nd:YAGs. The wavelengths of these lasers are 755nm, 810nm, and 1064nm respectively.

Laser hair removal utilizes a complex system of science and physics which are precisely balanced to work effectively and safely on the human body. As technology continues to advance in laser hair removal, this process continues to grow in popularity.

Preparing for a Laser Teeth Whitening Procedure

Tooth whitening is a method where many people take when they noticed that their teeth have been stained. Tooth discoloration is due to smoking, chemicals or food stained by medications and aging.

Now with the latest technology, tooth whitening can be done easily and in some instances teeth may be whitened beyond its natural teeth color. Laser teeth whitening procedure is able to fix certain forms of yellow, brown and spotted tooth staining and suitable on people of all ages. This is a good choice in restoring the brightness and bringing the smile alive.

In New York, laser teeth whitening is done in clinics using genuine laser system from Opus 10 and LaserSmile. Red light is generated when laser tooth whitening is done.

Here are some benefits of laser teeth whitening:

1.It is much faster and gentlest whitening system than ordinary or non-laser system. Laser teeth whitening takes only 16 minutes of gel-to-teeth contact time compared to 60 minutes for non-laser system.
2.In laser system you don’t need to wear the tray overnight while in other whitening system it requires the whitening gel to be worn overnight.
3.Less post-procedure sensitivity and faster treatment time because laser tooth whitening system has more efficient laser energy due to precise wavelengths.

There are some things that should take into consideration before undergoing a laser teeth whitening procedure.

It is not recommended for alcohol users or smokers to undergo bleaching. It should be avoided before the teeth undergo bleaching process. Smoking is the cause of damage to gums and tissue on teeth and may trounce the effect of whitening. The top customer for laser teeth whitening is those who have teeth discolored caused by aging, coffee or tobacco.

Porcelain restorations and extensive composite. Pre-existing restoration such as crowns, veneers, bonding, bridges and fillings are not appropriate for bleaching; instead it will be replaced in match with the color to your newly whitened shade.

Former existing sensitive and translucent teeth. More than half of those who undergo laser teeth whitening will experience the pain of sensitive teeth for 1-4 days. But the pain will just ease when bleaching is almost done. Some of translucent teeth may appear darker after bleaching.

Restoration of Amalgam in front teeth and exposed yellow in gingival third. It is required to have a protected prognosis for tooth whitening and also replacement of amalgam is needed to avoid the greening effect.

Unrealistic expectation or noncompliance. The level of teeth whiteness from one person to another differs. Also the result of color shade change relies on each individual’s reaction to the whitening agent. Some people may or may not react in this condition.

Kinds of Tooth Whitening

1.In-office tooth whitening It just takes an hour for the laser teeth whitening to be completed. And also it ensures that proper check up is done before the treatment so that proper precaution such as damming gum line is done before application of whitening gel.
2.Take home tooth whitening the use of this take home whitening kit differs from its overnight application to a twice-a-day treatment.

In New York, laser teeth whitening are now popular because it is recommended by the FDA, ADA and CE. People enjoy the good result of laser teeth whitening and it is much safer than other whitening system. Always remember that there are some things that should be consider for a much safer and successful laser teeth whitening.

All about Laser Hair Removal

Are you tired of constantly shaving and dealing with unwanted hair on your body? If so, laser hair removal just might be the thing for you! Of course, there might be a better option for you. Some of those options might be shaving, bleaching, tweezing or waxing. Each of these has their ups and downs but might be better for you.

Laser hair removals work by the beams of light they produce. They apply the laser device to your skin causing it to get hot. This heat damages the follicle and keeps it from growing in the future.

One of the requirements for laser hair removal is that your hair is darker than your skin. Laser hair removal is also not recommended for naturally dark people because too much laser energy is absorbed into their skin. If you tan it also recommended you do not have laser hair removal done. You can wait until your tan is gone and then proceed.

If you have light skin you can expect an easier laser hair removal procedure as well as fewer treatments with quicker results. If you are darker skinned it could take longer for results to show and you will have more treatments. Each person is different when being treated for something just the same as being treated for laser hair removal.

Most areas of the body can be treated with laser hair removal. The most popular areas:

Bikini Line
Upper Lip

If you have a specific area you want done, talk to your local laser hair removal expert. If you are seriously considering laser hair removal you do not want to tan prior to having it done. The treatment will be less effective this way.

Laser hair removal is for women and men of all ages. Children can have it done granted they are old enough to cooperate. Laser hair removal is becoming more popular with men today. They are having their chests and backs done as well as their abdomen and sometimes face.

While laser hair removal is proven to be quite safe, there are still some cons to having the procedure. The main worry being who is giving you the treatment. If this person is not entirely qualified to perform this procedure, they could damage your skin. Be sure you know all about your professional performing this.

The cost of laser hair removal can be pricey but it really depends on your location. Every clinic is different so you want to contact a local clinic. Find out what their rates are and maybe even meet with a consultant to see if laser hair removal is right for you. You might think so just because you are tired of shaving. This may not be true though so it is better to consult a professional first.

As with any major procedure you might have done, do all your research on laser hair removal before making a final decision. If you do not get all the facts before committing to it, you might be disappointed in the end. You might not even be eligible for laser hair removal.

What You Should Know about Laser Hair Removal

Are you considering laser hair removal? If so you should read on to find out what you should know before deciding. Something like this is a rather major change. You want to know all the facts before you commit to something such as laser hair removal.

Are you eligible for laser hair removal? If your hair is darker than your skin you might be okay. It is not recommended that any person tanning with dark hair do this. If you are tanning, you will have to wait until your tan fades. Then you can proceed with laser hair removal. If you tan but have light hair, it is not recommended for you.

If you are dark skin you might not want to do it. The pigments in your dark skin will absorb laser energy. The darker your skin is the harder it is to perform laser hair removal. You will have to have more treatments and this will make the cost go up as well.

You can treat most areas of the body. The main areas are: Neck, Chest, Underarms, Back, Abdomen, Bikini Line, Legs and Face. You cannot have laser hair removal anywhere around the eyes. The laser is harmful to your eyes so you should wear eye protection during the treatments no matter what area you have done.

Know your options to laser hair removal. You could continue shaving, tweezing, bleaching or even waxing. While these may not sound as great, they might be better for you. The lasers produce highly concentrated beams of light that will penetrate your skin and find your hair follicle. This will produce a hot heat and damage the follicles, preventing them from future growth.

When preparing for laser hair removal you do not want to use any other type of hair removal product. That means no tweezing or waxing or anything similar. The laser hair removal will be hard to perform if there is no hair there to remove!

You also do not want to tan or moisturize. If you tan the laser could burn your skin and if you moisturize it could block the laser energy and maybe even give you an allergic reaction. Avoid both of these at all costs!

How much can you expect to spend? It will vary depending on your location and laser hair removal facility of course. According to a 2000 survey of ASAPS the average cost per treatment (one) for each of the following regions was:

Midwest: $497
East: $458
South: $307
West: $469
National Average: $360

Contact your local laser hair removal clinic to find out the costs. If they happen to be a bit too high for you check the closes surrounding laser hair removals clinics. Maybe they are a bit more in your price range.
Keep in mind when doing laser hair removal that it does not mean one hundred percent of your hair will be gone. Each person is different and some may require more treatments than others. You will definitely see a significantly reduced amount of hair.

You might end up with a type of sunburn like reaction after laser hair removal. You could even have blotches, discoloring, blistering and scarring and even crusting or scabbing. Talk to your professional to find out if laser hair removal is right for you.